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Paramedic deployment in the district fluctuates to best meet demand at peak times of the day. As call volume trends change, paramedic deployment follows. During peak periods there are six (6) ambulances in the district, five (5) in the City and one (1) in Garden River First Nation, as well as one (1) Paramedic Response Unit (PRU) staffed with a single first responding paramedic in Goulais River. During off peak periods the deployment reduces to four (4) in the district, three (3) in the City and one (1) in Garden River First Nation,.

Paramedics are dispatched from the Regional Emergency Services Complex, the Garden River First Nation Base, or the Goulais River Fire Station. Also important to note, paramedics can be dispatched from other locations after they finish a call.

Paramedics may also be dispatched to perform patient transfers between facilities if it is deemed necessary to have a patient moved by stretcher. Non-urgent patient transfers may be done by Paramedic Services if there are available ambulances in the deployment.