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Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP)

As a participant in the Learning, Earning and Parenting Program, you should know that:

  • Parents aged 16 and 17 who have not completed high school and who are Ontario Works participants or part of a benefit unit receiving financial assistance under Ontario Works must participate in LEAP
  • Parents aged 18 to 25 who have not completed high school and who are Ontario Works participants or part of a benefit unit receiving financial assistance under Ontario Works may participate in LEAP
  • Parents aged 16 to 25 who have not completed high school and are receiving financial assistance directly or as part of a benefit unit under the family benefits act or the Ontario Disability Support Program may participate in LEAP
  • 16 to 25 year old parents who are receiving benefits only for their child or children under Ontario Works may participate in LEAP

We understand how difficult it is to go to school full-time and look after a baby. You face many issues as a parent when you are on assistance. The most difficult one is that you don’t have enough money to look after yourself and your baby. The LEAP program has been created with you in mind. If you want to stay in school, have enough $$$$ to do that and enjoy quality time with your child or children, then this is the program for you.

LEAP can provide you with both information and resources to live more comfortably and happily.

What do I have to do to get in on this great opportunity?

  • You commit to school on a full time basis until you achieve your grade 12 diploma
  • You also commit to taking 35 hours of parenting training. A variety of agencies provide a wide range of classes for you to select from.
  • You also commit to participating in employment opportunities that will help you develop employment skills to become job-ready

How can I possibly do all these activities and care for my baby?

We have many supports to help you along the way:

  • Extra daycare (besides while you are act school all day) for times when you have to study for an exam or write a paper, attend Parenting Programs or Community Kitchens
  • School supplies, school clothing, school trips, tutoring, graduation fees
  • Counselling
  • Post-secondary application fees
  • Birthday Box
  • YMCA Membership
  • Incentives when you submit proof of perfect attendance and progress in your studies
  • Other items not covered ( because we haven’t thought of them) – just ask!!!

What do I get for completing school?

Besides getting your diploma and a head start on your future we will also set up a $500.00 bursary to be used by you for college or university or to be held in trust for your child or children.

This is great! Now how do I sign up?

Easy! If you are already enrolled in Ontario Works or ODSP, and qualify under the criteria outlined above, simply contact your Case Manager to request to be part of the LEAP program.

Not enrolled with Ontario Works or ODSP? You can apply for assistance here and let your Case Manager know you'd like to be a part of the LEAP program.

For more information about LEAP contact Alysha Thompson at