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I am a young parent on Ontario Works. Is there any special help for me?


Yes. If you are receiving Ontario Works and are a young parent between the ages of 16 and 25, we offer the Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP) program.

LEAP can help you finish high school, improve your parenting skills, and prepare for and find work so you can support yourself and your family.

Participation in LEAP is mandatory if you are 16 or 17 year old parent, you are receiving Ontario Works and you have not graduated from high school.

If you successfully complete the program, you may qualify for $500 to use toward your post-secondary education, a training program, or investing in an education trust fund for your children.

If you’re a parent between the ages of 18 and 25 receiving Ontario Works, and you have not completed high school, we also encourage you to take advantage of the LEAP program.