Employment, Ontario Works I am a young parent on Ontario Works. Is there any special help for me? Yes. If you are receiving Ontario Works and are a young parent between the ages of 16 and 25, we…
Finances, Housing, Ontario Works What are considered housing costs for Ontario Works eligibility? You will need to provide information about your housing costs. This includes rent or mortgage, hydro costs, heating costs, and…
Finances, Ontario Works What is considered an Asset for Ontario Works purposes? Assets are something of value that you own, such as money in the bank, property, vehicles, investments (RRSPs, stocks, bonds),…
Finances, Ontario Works What is considered income when determining Ontario Works eligibility? Income any money received from a job, Employment Insurance, Spousal Support Payments, Canada Pension Plan, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board,…
Employment, Finances, Ontario Works How do I reach my Ontario Works Case Manager? You can call your Case Manager by dialing their direct line. If you do not know their direct line, you…